“Proper planning and preparation prevents poor performance” ― Stephen Keague, The Little Red Handbook of Public Speaking and Presenting

Important Vocabulary

IMPORTANT! Here are the exam words that you MUST know. Most of these words have a few meanings. Some words can be nouns and verbs, with a few meanings; you must know all the meanings. Click on each word and learn; see how the words are used in sentences:

1.   Animated
2.   Announcement (see in Arabic)
3.   Audience
4.   Body language
5.   Breaking news
6.   Consensus  (see in Arabic)
7.   Consequences
8.   Constitution
9.   Debate
10. Democracy
11. Discussion
12. Effective
13. Energetic
14. Facial expressions
15. Facts
16. Firm
17. Font
18. Gesture
19. Historical reference
20. Hook
21. Host
22. Humour
23. Imitate
24. Individualism
25. Inspire
26. Introduce
27. Lecture
28. Posture 
29. Presentation
30. Prominent
31. Prop
32. Publication
33. Quote
34. React
35. Reasoning
36. Slides
37. Slouch  (see in Arabic)
38. Speech
39. Statement
40. Statistics
41. Storytelling
42. Vision
43. Vote